Principles of Mechanics by George Adams

Notebook of John Urpeth Rastrick

Copy letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the Directors of the Great Western Railway

Letter from Robert Stephenson to Curteis and Kingsford, Solicitors

Letter from George Stephenson to Philip Maddison Regarding Engine Designs

Drawings of industrial sites and machine tools including one thought to be based on the Liverpool Road Railway station drawn c1830.

'The aerial candidates...', an aeronautical play

Translation in one volume of 'The Art of Metals (Ores) in which is taught the true method of treating by mercury those of gold and silver: the manner of smelting them all and how they are to be refined and separated from one another'

Collection of letters from Sir Humphry Davy to his family

Volume entitled: "Apothecary's Memorandum Book"

Volume entitled: "Chemistry Lecture Notes"

Account book of the firm of Thomas Farmer & Co., Kennington Green

Bound volume entitled: "A System of Practical Geometry"

Volume entritled: "Elements of Plane Geometry and also The Mensuration of both Superficies and Solids"

Notebooks of G.H. Wollaston relating to Thames Tunnel from Rotherhithe to Wapping

Bound manuscript volume entitled: "Mines de Fer nommes Normarken dans la Province Wermelandie en Svede"

Autograph Journal and Recipe Book

Volume entitled: "The Description and Use of a Terrestrial Planetarium, including the Orbits of Mercury and Venus commonly called an Orrery"

An early 18th century manuscript relating to surveying and land use entitled: "Surveying"

Meteorological Registers

Papers relating to the Thames Driftway and Richard Trevithick's involvement in the project

Anonymously compiled volume of excerpts from alchemical works

North Redemore Account Book

A Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Chemistry

Two manuscripts in French bound in one volume entitled: "Essai sur les fers coules Pour le Roy" and "Memoire sur la fonte et la Moulage des Bombes "

Collection of copy letters, business and personal, of Richard Beamish

Mathematics school exercise book of William Scamp

Credo notebook of Joseph Clement

Commonplace book of William Lewin

Scottish letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for obtaining sulphur, sulphurous acid and other products from pyrites

Letter from Philippe-Jacques de Loutherbourg to Mattw. Boulton Esq.

Letters patent granted to Thomas Farmer for 'Improvements in treating Pyrites to obtain Sulphur, Sulphurous Acid and other products'

Digital copy of manuscript of the engineer John Urpeth Rastrick, entitled: Common Place Book, produced in Shropshire

Letter from Henry Maudslay to Mr Matthew Murray, Engineer

Letters patent granted to Stephen Geary for 'Improvements in the preparation of fuel'

Early prints of cotton mills and cotton processes

Collection of letters and accounts relating to Richard Trevithick's patent on a portable high pressure steam engine

French technical drawings relating to windmill, and overshot waterwheel- powered pumps

Diary of Robert Stephenson

Letter describing the opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway and the death of Sir William Huskisson MP after being run down by the "Rocket"

Autograph letter from William Brunton, Engineer, giving a description of his Steam Horse, Butterley Iron Works

Letter from Leighton Dalrymple, Lieutenant Colonel. Account of his visit to Wakefield and Leeds, including a description and sketch of John Blenkinsop’s Steam Locomotive 'Salamanca'

The Coal Viewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion by John Curr

Papers of George and Robert Stephenson Regarding the Moreton Rail-Road

Letter from John Backhouse to his sister describing the opening train on the Stockton & Darlington Railway

Drawings - the Peel & Williams Phoenix and Soho Foundries

'James Burrow's Arithmetick MDCCXXXVIII'

Typescript copy of 'Anson's list of H.M. Royal Navy 1747-1750'